Alice in Elderland
The show explores the delights and dilemmas of aging through the lens of everyone’s favorite “Wonderland” characters, who humorously offer advice to the beloved Alice as she enters her golden years.
The show explores the delights and dilemmas of aging through the lens of everyone’s favorite “Wonderland” characters, who humorously offer advice to the beloved Alice as she enters her golden years.
Value, the relative lightness or darkness of a color or as a scale of varying shades of gray, is the most important element of design and the most overlooked. Learn how to create and discern values in this informative workshop.
Are you a music enthusiast who remembers the golden eras of American pop? Look no further than “Divas Through the Decades and revel in the timeless tunes made famous by legendary Divas like Tina Turner, Diana Ross, The Supremes, Celine Dion, Aretha Franklin, and more.
The Divas will bring you on a musical journey that celebrates independence, resilience, and self-expression that typifies girl power music.
It’s camping time for Ole and Sven but this time the girls want to come along. The boys are not too keen on this as it will put a damper on their “guy time" - so how to get those lovely ladies to go home?